Child Custody Lawyers in Northwest LA

Navigating child custody disputes can be emotionally challenging and legally complex. At Knight Law Firm, we recognize the importance of preserving your relationship with your child while ensuring their well-being. Our experienced attorneys will listen to your concerns, explain your rights, and develop a strategic custody plan tailored to your unique situation. Whether you're seeking sole custody, joint custody, or modifications to an existing arrangement, we'll advocate fiercely for your parental rights in and out of the courtroom. With our unwavering support and personalized guidance, you can approach the custody process with confidence and clarity.

Divorce and Child Custody Intake Form

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Insight on Child Custody

When parties have a child or children, a custody order must be sought. This order sets out rules and regulations regarding which parent has custody of the child at which times. Additionally, a multitude of other items can be included in a custody order, such as telephonic communication with the child, access to school and health records by each parent, and the issue of whether a third party, not related to the child by blood or marriage, can be allowed to spend the night with the child present.

Louisiana courts will examine what is “the best interest of the child” in determining which parent receives custody. Factors in this determination include which parent can meet the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the child, which parent can place the child’s needs first, the geographic proximity between the parents, the history of each parent’s involvement with the child and the child’s preference if the child is at the age of discernment.

If the parties are able to agree on a custody arrangement, then the attorney’s job is to prepare the necessary paperwork to be signed off by both parties and the presiding Judge. This agreement then becomes an order of the court and is enforceable by either party.

However, in many occasions, the parties cannot agree on custody. At this time, it is vital that you seek out an attorney that has represented both the father and mother in numerous custody cases, throughout Louisiana. Handling custody cases involves specialized skill and expertise. Two of the most common mistakes is not seeking out an attorney to protect your right’s immediately and allowing the other party to obtain an attorney who will protect theirs. The second mistake is hiring an attorney based upon price or because that attorney assures you he can handle your custody case. It is extremely difficult, and sometimes virtually impossible, to undo past mistakes of an inexperienced attorney.

When you need an experienced custody attorney to protect your most precious asset – your child, call Robert Knight.  Mr. Knight has handled numerous custody cases, for both fathers and mothers, throughout the State of Louisiana. He is the custody attorney you need on your side.

Protect your Parental Rights

Our child custody lawyer has handled a full array of cases involving parental rights and custody issues.

We'll help you with all the details, including:

  • Preparing all the necessary documents
  • Developing effective parenting plans
  • Going over visitation rights
  • Defending against modification requests

Choose the attorney who's experienced and knowledgeable; hire us for your all of your child custody needs by reaching out to our firm today.

Take the first step towards securing a brighter future for your child. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.