Robert Knight | January 13, 2025 | Child Custody
A child is presumed to benefit when they have both parents in their life. Divorce should not cause a parent to lose the opportunity to play a significant role in their child’s life. Child custody determines where a child lives and who is responsible for making decisions for the child. In most cases, joint custody is presumed to be in the best interest of the child.
Co-parenting when you are in the same town can be challenging. When you add long distance to the situation, it can make co-parenting much more difficult to manage. Tips for managing long-distance child custody in Louisiana include:
Prioritize the Child’s Needs
Relocating a child further away from the non-custodial parent may be necessary. However, the child’s emotional needs must be considered.
When parents live a great distance apart, they can help their children deal with the long-distance custody arrangement by:
- Ensuring frequent communication between the child and the non-custodial parent
- Maintaining consistent parenting practices, even from a distance
- The custodial parent should encourage frequent contact
- Ensuring children know they are safe to express their feelings and frustrations to either parent
Both parents need to focus on fostering a strong bond with their children. However, the custodial parent may need to be flexible to ensure the child has ample time to communicate with their other parent. Parents should also keep in mind that a child’s age and maturity are factors when developing a communication plan. The child’s needs change over time, as do their activities and schedules.
Develop a Comprehensive Parenting Plan
Your parenting plan should include details related to the long-distance custody arrangement. The plan needs to include how the parents will handle co-parenting from a distance, such as the procedure for communication and decision-making between the parents.
Schedules and methods of communication between the child and the non-custodial parent should be outlined in the plan. For example, develop a regular schedule for talking with your child. Utilize all forms of technology that work for you, including cell phones, emails, text messages, video chats, etc.
The plan should include a detailed visitation schedule. Time with the non-custodial parent should be maximized during school holidays, summer vacations, and long weekends.
Co-Parent Effectively
Parents should support each other in front of their children. A united front gives children a sense of stability and continuity, even though they may be states apart from their other parents. Develop methods for notifying the non-custodial parent of important events and activities so they can participate as much as possible.
It helps to check in with your child’s other parent regularly to discuss any issues that could arise. Open and honest communication between the parents is a key to successful long-distance co-parenting.
Respect Everyone’s Privacy
Custodial parents should not “listen in” when their child talks with their other parent. They should not read emails and text messages between the parent and child. An exception may be made if the custodial parent suspects wrongdoing, such as parental alienation, manipulation, or coercion.
The non-custodial parent needs to respect their child’s privacy and independence. The need to stay connected may be overwhelming. However, day-to-day life can be busy. Parents can help their children maintain a healthy balance of communication by developing schedules that include sufficient downtime to talk with the non-custodial parent.
What Should I Do if Long-Distance Co-Parenting Is Not Working?
Long-distance child custody can be complicated. You may have tried everything within your power to make it work. You have been flexible and accommodating. You encourage communication and ensure your child has ample opportunities to communicate with their other parent.
If you find that open and honest communication is not working with your ex-spouse, you may need to seek help with long-distance child custody arrangements. Family counselors and therapists may provide valuable insights and effective strategies. You might consider joining a support group for single parents to learn how they deal with co-parenting problems.
Contact our North Louisiana Litigation Lawyers at Knight Law Firm for Help Today
When custody problems arise, seek legal advice from a trusted family law attorney. Schedule a confidential consultation with an experienced Shreveport child custody lawyer. They can help you navigate child custody disputes to achieve a positive outcome for you and your children.
For more information, contact our experienced family law attorneys at Knight Law Firm to schedule a consultation.
We proudly serve Shreveport, Monroe, Ruston, and the surrounding areas of North Louisiana.
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401 Market Street Suite 1006
Shreveport LA 71101